Stadium 6.1.2990

Release notes - Version 6.1

New Features:

  • Support for lists in Web Service calls
    Lists are now supported in the body of a WebService Operation and can be directly assigned to it.

  • Improved Preview Logs
    Preview logs are now being cached before being logged to the dev console. This allows Stadium to also provide Preview Logs for all async calls not marked as ‘Fire-and-Forget’.

  • Static Preview Port
    You can now set your application to debug on a specific port instead of a random port.


  • More descriptive messages on Preview button when starting or closing Preview
  • Notify the user of any validations he might have if Preview fails
  • Deleted properties are now not removed from the mapping expression
  • Removed the lag when clicking on the pseudo-classes in the Styles Editor
  • Added configuration options ‘PreviewTimeoutInSeconds’ and ‘PublishTimeoutInSeconds’


Fixed the issue where:

  • “Find References” did not return all locations of Settings
  • Changes to a Type did not update the item fields in a copied list
  • Expressions in the Mapping Editor caused exceptions
  • Some unhandled exceptions were not sent to Raygun
  • Dragging functions around in a script caused an ‘An item with the same key has been added’ exception in some instances
  • Drag and drop in the GridRepeater had strange results
  • Session timeout caused a 401 exception in generated applications
  • Selecting previously selected indexes of ListControl causes errors