How to limit allowed Text Box inputs

This solution adds a maxlength attribute to textboxes. It also adds a countdown to the textbox showing the user how many characters are allowd / remaining. This does not work for password Textboxes! To make this work you need:

  1. Add a class to the Text Box you want to limit like this:
    maxlength_[the number you want to limit the textbox to]
    for example: maxlength_20 will limit the textbox to 20 characters

  2. Add a Javascript action into the Page.Load event with the following script

let textBoxContainers = document.querySelectorAll(".text-box-container");
for (let i = 0; i < textBoxContainers.length; i++) {
    let el = textBoxContainers[i];
    if (el.hasAttribute("class") && el.getAttribute("class").indexOf("maxlength_") > -1) {
        let elClasses = el.classList;
        for (let c = 0; c < elClasses.length; c++) {
            if (elClasses[c].indexOf("maxlength_") > -1) {
                let maxlength = elClasses[c].split("_")[1];
                let input = el.querySelector(".text-box-input");
                input.setAttribute("maxlength", maxlength);
                let chremaining = document.createElement("div");
                chremaining.innerHTML = maxlength + " remaining";
                input.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
                    let myInput =;
                    let count = parseInt(myInput.getAttribute("maxlength")) - myInput.value.length;
                    myInput.parentElement.querySelector(".chremaining").innerHTML = count + " remaining";
  1. Paste the CSS below into your StyleSheet to style the countdown element (if you don’t have a stylesheet in your Application Explorer, you need to enable it in the Application Properties)
.chremaining {
   /*this positions the countdown label top right of the textbox*/
  top: 0;
  right: 18px;
  /*font colour*/

The result:

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