API Stadium-Linx response handling other than 200 - Web Service Connector

Making use of a Web Service Connector in Stadium 6 works great for calling Linx APIs. However when you return a response other than 2XX you would get the error of:

To avoid getting this error one should set your return response to application/json format as well. The API definition response should have it’s content: set to “application/json” and Linx must also return the response appropriately. Doing this in Linx, you have to set the HttpContext settings; Status Code and Headers appropriately. Status Code to the response code and Headers should include a list item “content-type” with the value of “application/json”

The header is set as indicated below:

Attached a sample solution.
APIRequests.zip (12.1 KB)

Big shout out to @dawie.botes who is always willing help and quick to respond to us here at Digiata.

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Hi Pieter-Jan,

This does seem like a bug in Linx seeing that the content-type is already defined in the openapi spec as application/json. I will investigate this further on the Linx side as a bug.

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